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  • It's easy for the stresses of everyday life to impact your mood. Find out which methods work for you in this wellbeing article series.
    Strengthen your core

    A strong core helps form the foundation of good posture. Rest & Restore is a great way to build up the strength of your mid-section.

    Sit straight

    This is particularly important for office workers who spend most of the day at their desks. It can be hard to remind yourself throughout the day to sit with a straight back. If you do put in the effort, your lower back will thank you in the long run.

    Support your spine

    Strong lower back muscles give your spine the support it needs. Aqua Fit and Aqua Deep are great ways to target muscles that can easily get overlooked.

    Lift weights

    It’s important for both men and women to keep on top of their bone health as they age. The best way is to make sure you are including weight-bearing exercises in your routine. Pump is a great way to get started with friends.

    Spend time in the sun

    Vitamin D is also essential to maintain bone health. Remind yourself to take small breaks outside during the day, it's great for your physical and mental health.

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