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  • We've all been told before how important our core muscles are to our health - better posture and reduced back pain being some of the most important benefits. The good news is it's never too late to start improving your core strength.

    Christchurch Recreation and Sport Centres offer a range of classes that target your core such as Rest & Restore, Aqua fitness and more.

    One of our favourite ways to target your core is a Butt, Abs & Thighs (BAT) class. This class focuses on activating your butt, abs and thighs for a serious lower body workout. Our instructors do an amazing job of distracting you whilst your body's doing all the hard work.

    One exercise that is sometimes overlooked in core strengthening is aqua classes. Water jogging is a great non-weight bearing exercise that also provides resistance for the muscles. Simply running up and down the swimming lanes is a good workout, but we suggest having a go at the Aqua Deep and Aqua Fit classes. These classes are good for anyone looking for guidance or motivation, and are a really fun time. Bring a friend and give them a go!

    Group fitness classes are included as part of a Gym and Gym & Pool membership, but you are also welcome to join classes on a casual basis. Find out more on the group fitness classes page.

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